Friday, August 31, 2007

Happy long weekend

This is what the UBC bus loop looked like at the end of the day today:

Nearly empty. No crowds of undergrads talking about a poor test mark as if it may be the worst thing since that big-ass zit showed up on their forehead. No volume-so-loud-that-I-can-hear-your-crap music iPods. No queues of people waiting to push their way onto an already too-full bus. No "will this bus board through one door or all doors" confusion.

Unfortunately, today is the last day for a long while that I can expect to see the bus loop like this. After this long weekend, they (the undergrads) will all be back. This long weekend I will prepare myself to be passed by buses that won't stop because they are full, to not get a seat on the bus that I do get aboard, and to be surrounded by lots of noise and big crowds.

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