Monday, June 11, 2007

Portland in photos

Mount St. Helen's from our two-propeller plane.

Benson Hotel lobby. Lots of chandeliers and woodwork above your head. Lots of oversized flower arrangements throughout the hotel.

Great old buildings throughout the city. This bank is across from the Benson and was set up for a party on my first night in Portland. When I inquired if it was a private or public party, I found out that all the guests had been fed and left hours ago - it was a function celebrating a retirement.

Parade pics - Yup, that's a real ring of fire.

Parade pics - Yup, it's cool watching the formations that marching bands make as they turn corners.

Parade pics - Yup, it's much better to be inside watching a parade from a warm, dry hotel room with food and drink than from the cold, wet sidewalk.

Parade pics - Yup, they use real flowers to decorate their floats. Each bloom is in its own vial of water, then pinned to the float.

Parade pics - Yup, we all live in a yellow submarine, yellow submarine, yellow submarine...

The Shaggin' Dragons from Vancouver are in this boat. Go Pam, go! Row Pam, row! (Yup, I know it's "paddle" not "row," but that doesn't rhyme now, does it?!)

Post d&d therapy: Sitting & balancing (not shown); potato chips, banana, room card, bottled water, mango smoothie, toothbrush, eyeglass and contact lens cases (not necessarily used in that order); sleep (No! No "in bed" photos. That's creepy that you even asked!)

Da boys - Bad lighting and a camera phone that doesn't have a flash make for a dark and blurry image. A series of group photos - clear and funny as hell - from a photo booth is on its way.

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