Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Only weirdos run around St-Denis in white socks

Here's the story from Montreal that I promised you.

Date: Saturday mid-afternoon
Location: Starbucks patio on Rue St-Denis
Description of weirdos: Dude in floppy purple velvet hat, purple velvet suit, dalmation shoes, and diamond studded bling; dude in Brazil soccer colours; dude in shorts and white socks.
Weirdo behaviour: Fiona and I were seated in the sun at Starbucks, chilling on our weekend in Montreal. Dude in purple Flavor Flav outfit walks by. We notice, laugh; he enjoys the attention. Dude in shorts and white socks runs past, running what appears to be laps around the area - in one Starbucks door, out the other Starbucks door, around the block. On second lap, he has no shirt on. On third lap, he has his hand down his shorts. On final lap, he has no pants on - the dude is naked except for his white socks, for the first part of the circle, he appears to be trying to hide his manhood with one hand. This is drawing attention from the Brazilian soccer dude, who is shouting cheers from the balcony above. It also draws the attention of our Flavor Flav who returns to the scene. It also draws the attention of the police who show up, get some pants onto the dude and start calming him down from his run about.
Conclusion: Only in Montreal... true dat, true dat.
Photos: We didn't get photos at the height of activity, and trust me, we could have had a viewfinder-full of photo, especially of running naked guy, from our front row seats on the edge of the Starbucks patio. The shots that I do have are pretty cloudy, taken from a distance and using a camera phone, but they have all of the major characters - Flavor Flav, the Brazilian, and the naked guy.

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